An unexpected eternal triangle, a “honey trap,” and a misunderstanding that leads to an emotional encounter. This omnibus film by Ryusuke Hamaguchi (Asako I & II) follows three women in love and their life full of fortunate and unfortunate coincidences on the road to self-revelation. Meiko is very embarassed when she recognizes her former boyfriend in the stories of her amorous girlfriend. Sasaki is planning revenge against her professor and drags his girlfriend and occasional lover Nao into it. Natsuko meets a woman in whom she recognizes her first love and starts an intimate and cathartic conversation with her. The film won Grand Jury’s Silver Bear at Berlin International Film Festival.
Ryusuke Hamaguchi (1978) is a Japanese director and screenwriter. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he worked in the film industry for several years before entering the graduate film programme at the Tokyo University of the Arts. His 317-minute opus Happy Hour (2015) premiered at Locarno and went on to screen and win awards at numerous film festivals. Asako I & II (2018) was selected for the competition at Cannes. He also wrote the screenplay for Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Wife of a Spy, which won the Silver Lion at Venice in 2020.
Wednesday 28/07 at 21:00, cinema Trg
Saturday 31/07 at 12:00, cinema Bauer