In a remote Icelandic town, chief of police Ingimundur (played by Ingvar Sigurðsson, who we know from Of Horses and Men and Sparrows) begins to suspect a local man of having had an affair with his late wife, who died in a tragic accident two years earlier. Gradually, his obsession with finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. Hlynur Pálmason’s second feature (after his debut Winter Brothers that won him four awards in Locarno and more than 30 awards at more than 60 other festivals) is a fascinating story of pain, revenge and unconditional love. Shot entirely with a 35mm camera, A White, White Day was inspired by an Icelandic saying: When everything is white and you can no longer tell the difference between the earth and the sky, the dead can talk to the living.