Music Program


Porto Morto

The final festival night, on 31 July, will see the appearance of Porto Morto, currently the most intriguing Croatian band. As a spinoff from JeboTon

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Pocket Palma

Pocket Palma and their synth-pop will bring back the memory of the pop-music of the 1980s. They are often compared with Denis & Denis. On

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Spa štala by Mario Kovač

Spa štala by Mario Kovač is a combination of performance and a music event, a conceptual DJ set invoking the greatest hits from the golden

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Je Veux

The sensual soul-style voice of Je Veux will add even more warmth to the summer night of 28 July in Motovun. This singer, whose debut

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Alejuandro Buendija i sinovi

Alejuandro Buendija will captivate you with his great lyrics, lots of black humor and the music styles ranging from rap to pop to chanson to

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